The Energy of Change: I am THE CREATOR of my own life lines

There is nothing more permanent than temporary. Procrastination becomes a way of life. Live here and now. Every word you say, every action you take is a new starting point of your new life line……

           Every time I start learning something new, I realize how little I know. “Scio me nihil scire;” I  know that I know nothing;  famous Socratic paradox and yet it is true. I am not scientifically trained, but I have a great thirst for understanding life and its mysteries. And a  lot of scientific questions ARE still a mystery, but we know they are made by life.

           I have studied languages, learned a lot about religions and psyche, philosophy,psychology and history. I was fortunate (or rather, took the opportunities!) to have lived in so many wonderful places around the world and be not just a visitor, but an integrated member of the given society. I have a genuine love for humanities, for human mind and everything that makes us the way we are. I have listened to wonderful speakers, scientists, writers, children; I have spent enormous amount of hours listening to and talking to my clients, to my friends, but above all, I constantly work on myself and all these great moments opened new doors towards the uncovering the truth about life and how we become who we are. Some may say that many people tried to explain the mysteries of life, and yet, nobody came up with the ‘formula’ on how to become better.

Opportunities come and go and what we do with them is our choice. Some of my clients (and friends, for that matter, though  now they know better), say that they did not have a choice when they found themselves in a certain situation. But, once they become aware of who actually makes choices, they learn that by not making a choice, that is a choice itself, they actually have chosen the option of not making the choice that would take them on a different life line. Because there is nothing worse than procrastination and ‘temporary.’ It can really become permanent.

Knowledge has changed through time and space. What we knew before may have changed with the new technology, new awareness and new questions. Every new book opens a new world. Science is changing and realizing that to understand life, to understand universe, we are looking at the moving target. As we are able to stand in a new place, we learn new and then we see new wonders around us that we were not able to see before. And so it goes. We cannot imagine our lives now without a TV, a mobile phone, a car, a washing machine and so on and yet only a few decades ago we could not even imagine that something like that could become reality. Jules Vern wrote about the flying balloon and the submarine that could plunge into the deep end of the ocean  and they were science fiction stories at that time and look where we are now!

Leonardo Da Vinci was a great visionary and a scientist, but about five centuries ahead of his time.

So where did all that knowledge they acquired come from? How are some people ‘chosen’ to know and others are not, others just either follow or deny it? What makes a person a creator and another a follower?

Everything is energy. The final form of the matter depends on the desires and intentions of the one who uses those energies. They are not good nor bad. They just are. So how does one learn how to use those energies and that awareness to one’s benefit?

There is a universal, eternal knowledge that some of those ‘chosen’ have learned how to access. Very often discoveries of similar kind happen around the Globe, at different places by people who have never been in touch with each other or worked together on the same project, and yet, they come up with the same or similar ‘invention.’ Time and again people say they came up with the idea at moments when, though they had spent so many hours experimenting, trying and making errors (think of Thomas Edison and thousands of light bulb failures before the right one!) , they were either sleeping or daydreaming, that is, when their mind was free and not under the pressure of ‘finding the solution.’ Those EUREKA moments, like Sir Isaac Newton’s discovery of gravity, or Alexander Fleming’s penicillin show us that there is something ‘out there’ that when people access it, they tune into the infinite source of information and they use it to their advantage.

Science shows us that a lot of questions are still a ‘dark matter’, something they believe is there, but they have not detected it yet. They make those hypotheses according to the consistency of their observation, but they cannot prove it yet and we know science is all about proving (or disapproving!) things.

As the Dalai Lama said in his many writings and talks, science and spirituality have to work hand in hand as complementary investigative approaches with the same great goal which is  seeking the truth. And if science can prove in that process that something does not exist, the spirituality will accept it as the truth, but on the other hand if the science cannot  disapprove it with its available methods and technologies, that does not give it the final result. Doctors were not aware of the existence of microbes before the invention of the microscopes. The Hubble telescope gave us a fascinating insight in the worlds so far away, something that we could not even think could exist. So if something is not invented yet, doesn’t mean it is not here. Once upon a time, physicists thought molecules were the smallest particles, but now they know they are not.

From our knowledge about molecules, atoms, DNA, genes and the micro world within, many scientist, philosophers, writers and many others who are puzzled by the creation of life have moved more into the fields of metaphysics, taking into account not just mechanics of the building blocks that create life (and universe), but also how the consciousness fits into that creation. Psychologists are exploring the biology of brain and how it affects the ‘conscious’ experience. Northern Irish quantum physicist John Bell wrote in his theorem that “there is a way to escape the inference of superluminal (faster-than-light) speeds and spooky action at distance. But it involves absolute determinism in the universe, the complete absence of free will. Suppose the world is super-deterministic, with not just inanimate nature running on behind-the-scenes clockwork, but with our behavior, including our belief that we are free to choose to do one experiment rather than another, absolutely predetermined, including the ‘decision’ by the experimenter to carry out one set  of measurements rather than another, the difficulty disappears. There is no need for a faster-than-light signal to tell particle A what measurement has been carried out on particle B, because the universe, including particle A, already ‘knows’ what that measurement and its outcome, will be.” What Bell is saying is there are no isolated systems and that every particle in the universe is in ‘instantaneous’ (faster than light) connection with every other particle, making it a unified system, no matter what space and distance.

We come to the question about what is the intelligence that gives instructions to electrons to behave as particles or waves at certain times? When we learn about atoms and molecules, the science tell us that the observer is fundamental; the observer is effectively the most important participant in the reality being observed. Energy is not created or destroyed, it is only transferred by the observer.

There is energy, there is thought, there is matter. What we think is what we will create and make it  reality. When we free our mind from the stereotypes of ‘the accepted’ norms, we can only then tune into the eternal space of awareness that contains all knowledge that already exist.

  You cannot change the world, but you can master your own reality. You can become a ‘creator’, a maker of your world. But the most important thing is to have the clear intention, coupled with your mind and a clear goal and you can start creating your world. People who achieve their goals are DOERS. They don’t just dream and wait for life to happen to them. They get a clear picture of the goal, then they visualize it as if it has already happened and then they take action.

Thoughts are electrical charge, heart is magnetic. With the unity of the heart and the mind, the intention becomes a thought energy that tunes into the waves that correspond to the same wave length of the desire. Then everything else in the outside world will get drawn to it to make it a reality. As the author Paulo Coelho says: “Waiting is painful, forgetting is painful; but not knowing which to do is the worst kind of suffering. But when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it. ”

Everyone is entitled to a fulfilling life. Sometimes it is hard when one is born into poverty and difficult circumstances and environment to escape it and it is hard to do so. But the mind set that those people show that they cannot look at the bigger picture out there and see the potential that can be available if they know how to become aware and access it. So the poor get poorer and the rich get richer. I have worked with successful athletes and they all have a clear picture in their mind that they have won the race or game or the tournament. But it doesn’t stop there, they don’t just dream and then wait for miracle to happen. They work extremely hard. They devote their life to making it possible. My son was always a great achiever in no matter what sport he chose to develop and to my husband’s and my amazement, he would take it to the highest level in his age group. But he always had a clear vision of winning. And he worked really hard to get there. And when he failed, he wouldn’t despair and give up. He would analyze it and look at it as an opportunity to improve his performance. And when he succeeded, we would take a moment to soak the feeling of that achievement into every cell of his mind and body so when he gets worried or down and doubts his abilities, he can pull out the memory of that success and get a necessary booster.

I have always advised my clients not to scorn their children or themselves for that matter when they make a mistake, but to welcome it as a learning step stone towards the goal they have a desire to achieve. But then again, if they make a same mistake, then that would be a choice!

The vast, infinite knowledge about everything there is, is available to everybody. It is in the ‘energy’ space that has not time or space, no past, no present and no future. How we use it will determine how we live.  So how does one  become a creator? How do we access the endless possibilities and options that will trigger the “universe to unite to help us.”

As we have learned in one of my past writing about the atoms and electrons, all the physical matter, everything we have around us is a result of a frequency and if we amplify it, the structure of the matter will change. What that means is that by changing our thoughts and feelings (mind and heart), we can shift these electrons and change the waves and vibrations, hence change the matter, change the reality.

Basically this means that what we think, what we do as observers, can shape the matter, therefor what we think we will create. We will tune into the “universal station” or ‘library’ and send signals to the desired object and if the desired object is on the same ‘wave length’ as our heart/mind vibrate, once they connect (as in John Bell’s theorem), they will come to realization and become matter. We become creators of our reality. Think of it as tuning the radio: you want to find BBC1 radio station and you keep turning the knob on the apparatus, hearing all kinds of noise, other voices, other stations and somehow that doesn’t put you off of trying to find BBC1. It also doesn’t mean that BBC1 doesn’t exist, it just means you have to work a bit harder to find the right frequency. And sometimes you may tune into another station that you may like and you change your mind, and that’s fine too. But if BBC1  is the station that will have a guest that you want to hear because he will talk about something you want to learn about, you will continue until you tune into it and you will realize your desire.

Same in life, you may want to become a doctor. So you will have to spend some time exploring whether that field is for you, whether you can stand the sight of blood, whether you want to dedicate many years to studying medicine, spend many sleepless nights working with all kinds of people and then take action to get closer and closer to fulfilling that dream.

Desire on its own means nothing. But if it is a desire combined with active intention, that one will lead you to make decisions and choices and only then you will be able to get to the realization of your goal. In my work I came across many people who say:”But I think positive thoughts and ask for guidance and I leave it now in God’s hands, but nothing has changed,” and I know that they have not done much to become active participants in that process of realization. And sometimes people get obsessed with the object of their desire, that they again completely forget about the participation in the process of materialization.


When you tune into the infinite world of possibilities, the universal knowledge that has everything and awaits for your instructions, ‘the universe conspires’ to make it happen. With every next step you take, with every thought and move, you make choices as to which direction the ‘life line’ will go. Words are powerful manifestation of energy. Choose them wisely. Be clear. When you ‘hit the wall’ that means this road is not for you. Adapt. Change the frequency of your thoughts, but always make sure that your mind and heart are in unison. Only then you will ‘hit’ the right wave, the right note.

      “According to your faith, be it unto you!” Jesus talks about your faith, your true belief, that comes from your mind and your heart. If you have to convince yourself that something is good for you, maybe it is not the right thing for you after all. But again, be sure that the mind and heart are united. Then you will send the right signals into the universe. Be free of what other people want you to do. If you struggle in life, maybe you have to look if you are living the life of another person rather than your own life.

When there is congruence between heart and mind, together with the world outside of you, then you are free to choose.

Clear goal, the picture or vision of the desired object or achievement is essential. So, you need a clear goal that sets the intention/desire to achieve it. You need to keep that in mind at all times. There will be moments when you will have a set back or you feel tired, down, sick or disheartened, then go back to your vision of your goal and get immersed in it with full mind and emotion. Think of the feeling that your achievement gives you. Breath in that feeling, fill every cell of your body with it, repeat and repeat so your brain can remember it later. Keep it in your mind as long as you can because it will give you more energy, you will see. Trust the process.

Once you have that clear vision, it’s time for action, healthy action. Free your mind of all the ‘norms’ you have known before and free yourself of all the external influences given by others. Follow your feelings. Remember, the space of all the possibilities has all the answers, it just needs practice to learn how to trust it. With every next step you take, you will choose the next ‘reality’. and if it is the right for you, you will know. Some people just know because they have learned how to trust the ‘conscious awareness,’ let’s call it that way. But remember also, make decisions!!!! Do not wait. Make choices. Energy cannot move in any direction if the observer doesn’t make a choice. Be brave. It is Okay to have certain amount of anxiety, but use that surge of adrenaline into the energy of action. Be true to yourself, do not follow other people’s life lines. Always have in mind that when there is congruence between the heart and the mind, it will tune into the frequency of the desired goal. Then just become a participant in the process, because the way you choose every step on that way to realization will determine your future. The present creates the future.

I have read many books on various topics in order to learn about human beings and life itself. It is important to lay foundation of elementary knowledge if you want to gain access to information about the area of your interest. But though I keep myself informed about new achievements in the ever changing world of science, I came to the point where I can ‘tune into’ the infinite knowledge and get the ideas. I create my own world, my own reality. I cannot live like a hermit isolated from the rest of the world, but I am my own creator, maker of my reality, my life. I choose how to live. Life does not happen to me. I am confident, because I am free to make my own choices. The biggest revelation in life is when you realize that you can do anything. I can access the ‘eternal space of knowledge/awareness” and that is the source of all there is. From there, I move forward.

Everybody can learn how to access the ‘eternal knowledge’. It takes practice and trust. It takes courage to break with the old. People tell me that I am gifted because I can ‘see things’, but I say I am not, I have just learned how to access the already available information. People say I have been “chosen.” I say I choose myself. I spend time with myself to better myself. When I feel better, I have higher levels of energy which makes faster manifestations in the physical world. When I have set backs and when I lack energy, I know I have moved into the reality that is not good for me. Then I tune in into the ‘knowledge’ eternity and listen to my heart and my mind to be true to myself instead of living another person’s life line.

You cannot live separated from the world around you. As John Bell said, every particle is connected to the entire system, but you can still maintain your separateness and be a part of the unified system. And when you learn how to be aware and access the eternal knowledge, you will know how the rest of the system works without the need to have the same materialization.

Science has changed a lot with time and knowledge with the available technology. Da Vinci’s invention could not be realized because scientist did not have full understanding of the technology to make those machines. The same may be with the ‘invisible’ world of eternal knowledge/awareness that some of us have learned how to access. If something cannot be proven not to exist, that does not mean it is not there, but that we do not yet have the technology to ‘see it’ with our own eyes. Because science is all about proving something. But we know what we know.



All you need is love; connection in the therapy room

Love is not just an electrochemical charge in the brain, or a sentimental quote on a card; it is a real, tangible energy that acts on and changes things in the outer world.

Being a therapist is the most privileged job one can have. As humans are innately wired to be social beings, all our connections are based on that first contact, when heart and brain exchange those electromagnetic vibrations and either go ahead with the relationship or say good-bye.

One of the clients in my practice said that although there are so many different approaches to therapy, the most important thing is the connection between the therapist and the person on the opposite end. Then, it will all come together.

If you read the previous post on this site, you can see how our world is created from the micro to the macro level and how we can change and influence our existence. Life is a collection of moments and the idea is to have as many great ones as we can. Life happens. And it also goes on, no matter what happens to you. How you deal with events in your life at a given moment will determine your future. But always have in mind, we are social beings. “No man is an island,” famous Hemingway words, but it is true. We cannot exist without other human beings, or other sentient beings. Evidence has proven that if a person is isolated in solitary conditions, the psyche and the well beings are disturbed.

As humans, we can show and share our most innate feelings. If you put a healthy cell in a petri dish next to an unhealthy cell, the good one will get unwell too. But if you take it back to a healthy environment, it will thrive again.

We have that natural tendency and trait to help others, to see a person in distress and try to make it better, to share sad, happy, joyful, hard moments with others. We have empathy and once we feel and imagine what it may be like to feel like another being, to imagine what it may be like to ‘walk in their shoes’, we use mindfulness and kindfulness.

Be kind, be mindful of others. You never know what other person is going through. You never know if their loved one is sick, or died or their child is going through difficulties. Life is complex and many of us go about our own business, but minds can be somewhere else. Do something nice for someone today. Be kind. Create a little bit of that healthy environment that will make even a slight difference in another being’s life. A kind word can do a lot. A smile can make someone else smile. Maybe that is what they need at this moment. Be kind.

As therapists, our first thought needs to be to open our heart and our mind and make that connection with the other person in our therapy room. We need to help them feel safe, genuinely welcome to open up and share their troubled mind. AS one of my colleagues said, you cannot know everything about human mind, but you can be ‘present’ and they will bring it to you.

I put the link below to the conference for therapists that will focus on love in the therapy room. There will be master classes on the biology of love, the mirror neurons and how they interact, attachment and how to express through art and creativity. Therapists from England, Scotland, France and Spain are the delegates and will give classes on the above topics and also presentation on energy work and how to recognize and direct thoughts and feelings to create better mind and body connection.

Genuine compassion is not like pity. Genuine, unbiased compassion can help you view others as equal beings, important beings, beings that have as much right to be happy as anyone else. From the moment we are born, to the moment we die, we need others. We need others as much as we need air, food, water, warmth. Just as you have the innate desire to be happy and overcome suffering, so do all sentient beings on this planet.



Have a day that matters

There are so many beautiful moments in life when you stop and think how fortunate you are to be here.

Every time I watch the sun going down, I am amazed at it. The sun comes out every day and the sun goes down every night for us. But at the same time, the sun rises for someone else and at that very moment I am watching it leaving my sight, someone else is taking a deep breath at the sight of the sun rising on the horizon and thinking that this would be a wonderful morning, a wonderful day that will mean something. Life is full of such moments. They make us, they shape us. When we make mistakes, we really need to think that those mistakes created us, they made us, not the other way around. They make us strong, they make us self resilient and who we are. We don’t make mistakes, they make us into who we become. Very often to know what we want, we do need to make those mistakes to experience something that we don’t want in order to know the difference.

So, when you fall, do not dispare; get up and go. Get up and find the solution and the way to move forward. Do not get stuck in that moment and fear the future. Only in the present, you will know the future. And when you get over the difficulty, when you realize that life happens and that you control the outcome and the way forward, take a moment and smile and say, I did it; and then you will know that the future will be okay. To build the future, build the present. Live life. And as one of my teachers at the university said, ‘I won’t tell you to have a nice day, I will say: “Have a day that matters, have a day that will make sense, a day that has the meaning. “

World Mental Health Day – not just a day

It’s good to raise awareness about mental health in our society. We are wired to be social beings, we need each other and maybe someone in your family or community needs your help and just a nice word or a listening human being to share their concerns. Let’s support each other more. Be aware.


It’s World Mental Health Day tomorrow! And it’s clear to see from all the other blogs out there that it’s a great day for raising awareness about mental health and getting people talking about it.


I just wanted to take a moment to think about what it must be like for all of those people that mental health is not just for the day. To those people right now that are struggling or suffering in some way, having WORLD MENTAL HEALTH DAY doesn’t do it justice. There are so many people out there right now receiving treatment for their mental health in some form or another, community to inpatient service, for them ITS NOT JUST A DAY, IT’S A REALITY.

Mental health is a massive part of each and every one of our lives whether people choose to embrace or ignore it.

So how about instead of thinking about…

View original post 131 more words

Perception of reality: are we on the same ‘wavelength?’

Image result for hypnosis

Have you ever seen a program on hypnosis and how people believe whatever the hypnotizer tells them to do? I watched hilarious videos of Paul McKenna (see a video below) manipulating audience and people in his program who believed they are in a boxing match against a world champion, jumping around daring him into the ruthless fight, just to get shocked when they got back to the awaken state to see how big the boxer actually is and hiding behind the host. Or believing they are shaving and cutting the face, so asking every few minutes for a plaster to cover it, not realizing that they have 20 or so already on their face. How do they go from one state of mind and reality into another reality in a matter of seconds and with such a simple process as being instructed with a few words to be in an altered state of mind? Or dreams, we all have them, not always able to remember, but nevertheless, we all experience them as reality whilst inside . Or when you enjoy a nice walk in the woods and suddenly you see a snake and your heart starts racing and you start running, just to hear your friend laughing behind you since the ‘snake’ was just a thin branch on the ground, but your brain tricked you into believing you saw a snake and you ran for your life. Why does this happen? What is real and what is not?

Our senses are continuously bombarded with a great amount of information and all at the same time. A huge number of sensations come our way every moment of every day. Our reality seems so real, that we don’t stop to think about the complex processes that take place inside our brain to create that reality. And are all realities the same? Are we on the same wavelength?

If you look at the illusions below, although you may know that there are no movements at all in the picture, your eyes may perceive it as moving. If you watch the video below, you will see funny examples of how can our brains get tricked so easily.  Illusions show us that our picture of the outside world is not always accurate. So how do we perceive?



We see, feel, smell, taste and hear the world around through our senses, which detect a particular form of vibration, energy and we call that sensation. But then, the brain, as it can’t experience the outside world directly, has to process that sensation and make sense of it. That is perception. As the illusions can trick the brain, sometimes for those reasons and with the ‘unreliable’ information we get, we have to be able to explain how these surfaces and textures around us provide information about the world around us. We need to ‘construct’ the perception since the sensory information that forms the basis of perception is incomplete, we use what we already know about the world to make a complete picture. When the vibration, the sensory input starts traveling towards the brain to be ‘decoded’, we use either our senses to interpret it, which is called the ‘bottom up’ processing information, or we make sense of it by using already stored knowledge about it, called ‘top-down’ processing.

Imagine if someone blindfolded you and gave you an object to try to recognize: you would try to make sense of it using either your senses or making the sense of it using the stored knowledge you have about the texture, surface, smell, feel etc.

Our senses give us the picture of the outside world and when we hear, see, taste, smell or touch something, there are a hundred billions of neurons and each of them sends tens or hundreds of electrical impulses to thousands of other neurons every second of your life.

Then the brain becomes a storyteller. And we believe those stories. The way the brain processes the information will be the way we see the world. The way our brain is programed will decide how it interprets the input information. It’s like a computer, we program it in a certain way and when we put the information in and press the button, we will get the end result depending on that program. There may be variations on the same idea, so even if it’s a slight difference, we will get either a similar result or something else. Despite that strong feeling that our reality is directly experienced, it is actually built in the dark place, in a foreign language of electro magnetic signals and we take it for granted. We see, we feel, we hear, smell and taste and we believe it all.

But, there is no guarantee that our reality is the same as some one else’s reality. We are not always on the same wave length. Top down or bottom up processing varies from person to person. We all have different life experiences that shape our memories, our understanding of the world around us, our judgments, decision making and so on and that will greatly influence our perception and reality. And although knowing about the brain helps us understand ourselves and others, because it is a personal, private experience, our reality is never the same as some one else’s. This means there is only one you, one unique experience that started from the moment you were born to the moment you die.

Humans are able, unlike many animals that are pre-wired, to thrive in many different environments, from the frozen tundra, to the high mountains, to the buzzing cities and urban centers. This is possible because the human brain, in contrast to the animal brain, is born highly unfinished. Instead of arriving already ‘wired up’, a human brain allows itself to be shaped by the details of life experiences. IT IS ‘LIVE WIRED.’ This ability to get shaped by the environment and to adapt to it to make it to our advantage, as we very well know Charles Darwin noted so well,  helped humans develop to the best of their abilities.

If the brain is nurtured, it will thrive. Ant the opposite-if it’s not nurtured, it will struggle to develop normally. Studies have shown that children who were abused had changes in the white mass of their brains, which affected their social and cognitive abilities in later life. There are numerous studied that reinforce the suggestion that if not nurtured, the brain will suffer and those people will suffer in life.

The good news is that genes can help, as the various studies on epigenetics tell us. We now know that genes can be activated (turned on) or deactivated (turned off) by the environment outside the cell, which sometimes means the environment inside the body (the emotional, biological, neurological, mental, energetic and even spiritual states of being) and at other times means the environment outside the body (trauma, temperature, altitude, toxins, bacteria, food, alcohol and so on). The brain can recover to a certain extent and it doesn’t have to be set in stone that ‘old dogs can’t be taught new tricks’.

Each of us is on our own trajectory, steered by our genes and our experience and the result is that every brain has a different internal life. As Dr. David Eagleman put it in his program about the brain, “Every brain is as unique as a snowflake.” And because of the fact that human brain comes into the world with some amount of genetic wiring, that further ‘live wiring’ will shape the way our perception will create our reality.

One of the most significant revelations in psychology in the 1950s was that it is not the reality, it is our perception of it. We perceive objects and the world around us not as they are, but AS WE ARE! And depending on our own ‘live wiring’ and ‘programming’, our reality may not always be the same as some one else’s. Where were we born, how are we taught to read, play, laugh, cry, learn, all those external factors will shape us as people and we will see the world around us according to that knowledge. Some people love classical music, while some find it annoying and unpleasant. Some soldiers will develop post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), while others coming from the same station will not. What makes them perceive the same situation so differently?

The more we know about the brain, the better we will know the world and us in it. We need to look after our brain, have a healthy lifestyle, help it work right, do mental exercises, learn a new skill that will create new synaptic connections that will modify our DNA and create new neural pathways to change the reality; use mindfulness and kindfulness to increase awareness and  because when the brain works right, we are right, we are healthier, happier, wealthier (we make better decisions and choices), we thrive. Our reality becomes a healthy place and we perceive it as a reality of opportunities and life experiences that enrich us. And although the reality is the very personal, private experience, we will never have the same ‘programming’ as even those closest to us and sometimes we will not be on the same wavelength, but if the brain is nurtured and fed and cleared, we will have a reality that will work for us, not against us. We will thrive in it, have a full life experience and transfer that onto our family and friends. What we think, we will create into reality and we will attract to us. It will find us. Just like Rumi said in the picture below:




Child abuse affects brain wiring ,

Brain wiring affects task performances :

David Eagleman: The Brain, The story of you; 2015, Canongate Books, UK

Paul McKenna Hypnotist


Life is precious; beautiful words by Bernie Siegel, MD.

Dear Everybody, If you were given a Rolls Royce, a Stradivarius, a precious jewel, or something lse of great value, how would you take care of it? i think the answer is obvious. You would guard it and care for it to maintain its value. You are given a life to care for – your…

via You Are a Stradivarius — Bernie Siegel M.D.

We are all energy: how ATOMS shape our reality and how can we modify it

If you want to find the secret of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”       Nikola Tesla

Imagine a football stadium and a small mosquito in the middle of it! That would be the proportion of an atom and the nucleus inside of it. One single atom. And then imagine a single drop of sea water and fifty billion atoms in it, that is how small they are. Pretty incredible. Such a tiny thing and yet so powerful. The building block of life and everything we know.

Atoms-1134154200-1yqx7g9[1]Inside the atom, there is a nucleus and inside the nucleus are protons(positive) and neutrons (neutral) particles. Outside the nucleus are electrons (negative), and they dictate the nature of what the atom does. Depending on the number of particles, we have different matter, from thought to solid gas, trees, walls, cats and dogs, fast cars etc.

But the question is who is controlling these electrons, who makes them never collide (there are about 6 billion revolutions per second around the nucleus it is believed)? Science still doesn’t know the answer to that question, they presume it is the “X-factor”, or the ‘consciousness of God’, as the religion would explain it. The good thing is that, as with everything else in science, the answers to our numerous questions keep popping up every day, every minute, as the technology improves and clever people discover something all the time.

Just like thousands years ago in ancients Greece (as they were so curious to understand life), one of the scientists, a man named Democritus, ‘a laughing philosopher’, as they called him at the time, since he had all these ‘crazy ideas, that very often people thought he was just joking, as they did at that time, Democritus would sit in the central market in Athens and explain to one and all how all things on Earth and in the heavens are made of extremely tiny, simple particles he called ‘the atoms.’  No wonder they laughed at him. These atoms, he would say, combine and uncombine, arrange and rearrange themselves into air, earth, fire and water (the four elements the Greek philosophers and scientists believed are the essence of everything). But of course, he didn’t have the proof and neither did others for their ‘crazy’ theories about the world and the stuff it was made of. It would be over two thousands years before such proof came into the world. So there is hope that the answer to the question who controls those electrons may come to light very soon.


Democritus, the “Laughing Philosopher”


Going back to the little atom and its even smaller particle and to what happens when they spin and never collide: when they pass each other, something  really fascinating happens: they create a bit of a movement in the electric sphere-a wave/frequency which looks like if you could imagine a single drop hitting the water and making concentric sphere and the distance between those waves  is the frequency. Depending on the time it takes to make the waves and the height of the wave, there are low, medium and high frequency waves. The longer wavelengths, the things are more solid, more physical. As you can see on the picture (my ‘masterpiece’!), the shorter the wave length, the more refined frequency, like thoughts and feeling and the longer the wave length, the more matter, Earth and more solid things.

atoms passing.jpg
Electrons passing each other; creating waves

Why is all this important to know?

So far, the scientists are telling us (hopefully not like the ‘laughing philosopher!’), that all the physical matter, everything we have around us is a result of a frequency and what that also means is that if you amplify the frequency, the structure of the matter will change (Watch the video below, fascinating example of it!!!)

How can we modify our reality?

By changing the thought and the feeling coupled with it, we are shifting these electrons and changing the waves and vibrations, hence changing the matter, the reality. Just by focusing on something you really want, you can make this shift. What we think, we project and create. And we attract. I will talk about the LAW OF ATTRACTION next time, but for  now we need to understand how are we built and how we function in order to change something in our lives. When we have a thought, we create a wave length with it, a frequency and depending on it, we will create matter. Or another thought. If two people who are in rapport can pick up frequencies from each other, if they are intuned with each other, they can pick up each other’s thoughts or feelings. Very often you say about someone :”We are on the same wave lengths”, which literally means that, your frequencies vibrate the same way. So you can change the rate of your vibration and take responsibility to learn how to do that to create your own reality.

This means that we really need to pay attention to our thoughts and our ideas. We need to focus on what we need and what we want instead of wasting our energy, time and effort on what is wrong in our lives and get stuck in the moment. We think about 90,000 thoughts a day, we always feel something and very often we are not aware of it. By becoming aware of your thought process (we can’t ‘catch ‘ all those dozens of thousands  of thoughts a day, but we can pay attention to the most recurring ones) and the feeling  that becomes a pattern of your being, only then you can become your own creator and introduce new patterns of vibrations and shapes. As you learn how to change your emotions and thoughts, you will know how to change your pattern in your body. You can create a healthy environment for yourself and your family and friends. You can achieve your goals and dreams. You can become more confident by creating more and more positive outcomes which in itself will change your thinking pattern.

The more we know about our mind and our body and how are they connected to create a world that we want, the easier it will be to do it. Life is beautiful and everyone has the right to enjoy it and have it the way they want it to be. We don’t need to be slaves of our reality, we can be our own masters. We have the full right to be where we want to be in life. We are what we think we deserve to be. We set our goals and also our limits. We develop our full individuality and change lives to better suit us. We change careers, we move homes, we find meaningful relationships and so on. The most important thing is to have an honest relationship with yourself and once you become your own person, you release your creativity, you get rid of the fear of convention and what others may think, you take risks and use opportunities that come your way. Sometimes you win, sometimes you loose, but you move forward. Your attitude will improve and your health in return will improve. Your immune system will get stronger and you will be less prone to illness. There are no limits to your abilities and as I like to say, be a ‘NIKE’ person: JUST DO IT.

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We are all energy; how atoms shape our reality and how can we modify it

If you want to find the secret of the Universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.”       Nikola Tesla

Imagine a football stadium and a small mosquito in the middle of it! That would be the proportion of an atom and the nucleus inside of it. One single atom. And then imagine a single drop of sea water and fifty billion atoms in it, that is how small they are. Pretty incredible. Such a tiny thing and yet so powerful. The building block of life and everything we know.

Atoms-1134154200-1yqx7g9[1]Inside the atom, there is nucleus and inside the nucleus are protons(positive) and neutrons (neutral) particles. Outside the nucleus are electrons (negative), and they dictate the nature of what the atom does. Depending on the number of particles, we have different matter, from thought to solid gas, trees, walls, cats and dogs, fast cars etc.

But the question is who is controlling these electrons, who makes them never collide (there are about 6 billion revolutions per second around the nucleus it is believed)? Science still doesn’t know the answer to that question, they presume it is the “X-factor”, or the ‘consciousness of God’, as the religion would explain it. The good thing is that, as with everything else in science, the answers to our numerous questions keep popping up every day, every minute, as the technology improves and clever people discover something all the time.

Just like thousands years ago in ancients Greece (as they were so curious to understand life), one of the scientists, a man named Democritus, ‘a laughing philosopher’, as they called him at the time, since he had all these ‘crazy ideas, that very often people thought he was just joking. As the did at that time, Democritus would sit in the central market in Athens and explain to one and all how all things on Earth and in the heavens are made of extremely tiny, simple particles he called ‘the atoms.’  No wonder they laughed at him. These atoms, he would say, combine and uncombined, arrange and rearrange themselves into air, earth, fire and water (the four elements the Greek philosophers and scientists believed are the essence of everything). But of course, he didn’t have the proof and neither did others for their ‘crazy’ theories about the world and the stuff it was made of. It would be over two thousands years before such proof came into the world. So there is hope that the answer to the question who controls those electrons may come to light very soon.


Democritus, the “Laughing Philosopher”


Going back to the little atom and its even smaller particle and to what happens when they spin and never collide: when they pass each other, something  really fascinating happens: they create a bit of a movement in the electric sphere-a wave/frequency which looks like if you could imagine a single drop hitting the water and making concentric sphere and the distance between those waves  is the frequency. Depending on the time it takes to make the waves and the height of the wave, there are low, medium and high frequency waves. The longer wavelengths, the things are more solid, more physical. As you can see on the picture (my ‘masterpiece’!), the shorter the wave length, the more refined frequency, like thoughts and feeling and the longer the wave length, the more matter, Earth and more solid things.

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Electrons passing each other; creating waves

Why is all this important to know?

So far, the scientists are telling us (hopefully not like the ‘laughing philosopher!’), that all the physical matter, everything we have around us is a result of a frequency and what that also means is that if you amplify the frequency, the structure of the matter will change (Watch the video below, fascinating example of it!!!)

How can we modify our reality?

By changing the thought and the feeling coupled with it, we are shifting these electrons and changing the waves and vibrations, hence changing the matter, the reality. Just by focusing on something you really want, you can make this shift. What we think, we project and create. And we attract. I will talk about the LAW OF ATTRACTION next time, but for  now we need to understand how are we built and how we function in order to change something in our lives. When we have a thought, we create a wave length with it, a frequency and depending on it, we will create matter. Or another thought. If two people who are in rapport can pick up frequencies from each other, if they are intuned with each other, they can pick up each other’s thoughts or feelings. Very often you say about someone :”We are on the same wave lengths”, which literally means that, your frequencies vibrate the same way. So you can change the rate of your vibration and take responsibility to learn how to do that to create your own reality.

This means that we really need to pay attention to our thoughts and our ideas. We need to focus on what we need and what we want instead of wasting our energy, time and effort on what is wrong in our lives and get stuck in the moment. We think about 90,000 thoughts a day, we always feel something and very often we are not aware of it. By becoming aware of your thought process (we can’t ‘catch ‘ all those dozens of thousands  of thoughts a day, but we can pay attention to the most recurring ones) and the feeling  that becomes a pattern of your being, only then you can become your own creator and introduce new patterns of vibrations and shapes. As you learn how to change your emotions and thoughts, you will know how to change your pattern in your body. You can create a healthy environment for yourself and your family and friends. You can achieve your goals and dreams. You can become more confident by creating more and more positive outcomes which in itself will change your thinking pattern.

The more we know about our mind and our body and how are they connected to create a world that we want, the easier it will be to do it. Life is beautiful and everyone has the right to enjoy it and have it the way they want it to be. We don’t need to be slaves of our reality, we can be our own masters. We have the full right to be where we want to be in life. We are what we think we deserve to be. We set our goals and also our limits. We develop our full individuality and change lives to better suit us. We change careers, we move homes, we find meaningful relationships and so on. The most important thing is to have an honest relationship with yourself and once you become your own person, you release your creativity, you get rid of the fear of convention and what others may think, you take risks and use opportunities that come your way. Sometimes you win, sometimes you loose, but you move forward. Your attitude will improve and your health in return will improve. Your immune system will get stronger and you will be less prone to illness. There are no limits to your abilities and as I like to say, be a ‘NIKE’ person: JUST DO IT.

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Life happens

You can change your life by changing your thoughts and your body’s chemistry.

Sunset walk in Algarve, Portugal. Miles and miles of warm sand and peaceful reflections

Life happens. We get up, we laugh, we cry, we work together, we travel, have children, animals, illnesses, die. Sometimes something hits us like a freight train with its full force, or we can get taken by surprise in a positive, overly exciting way, which can take our breath away. That is life. I never call anything that happens in life a ‘problem’, or an ‘obstacle’. It just happened and needs to be dealt with. The most wonderful revelation I had a few years ago when I was going through some really tough difficulties and thought there is no way I could bear this any longer, but I found my stregth, I pulled through and I realized  that I can do anything;there are no limits to my strengths and abilities. I litteraly saw the light in my head and I felt enormuous power. Since then,  I always say to myself and my friends and clients: “If one person did it, that means I can do it, it’s possible.”

Fear is the most damaging and debilitating states we can find ourselves in if we want to move forward. Opportunities come and go and what we do with them depends on us, nobody else. It’s like standing on a platform and watching the trains come and go, people boarding them , getting off, excitement around us and wishing that we have courage to  could go here or there, but not actually boarding any of them, just watching them go by. Get on the train, go to a different place, see something new, learn something new. There is nothing more valuable than experience. It modifies us, it changes us, it makes us more confident. The more confidence we gain, the better we will feel aobut ourselves. And a little bit of anxiety can give us a necessary booster to make that first step, the leap forward. Just don’t let it paralyze you. Remember, if someone else had done it, it’s possible and you can do it.

Some Indian scholar said: “If there is a way to overcome suffering, then there is no need to worry; if there is no way to overcome the suffering, then there is no USE to worry.” In a very good historic film  “Bridge of Spies”, an American lawyer, James B. Donovan, played by Tom Hanks, was hired to defend an arrested Soviet spy, Rudolf Abel, played by Mark Rylance, who won an Oscar for that role, and in one of their meetings the lawyer was anxious and noticed that Rudolf did not seem worried. Rudolf calmly asked: “Would it help?”

When life happens, take a deep breath, take a step back, think that it won’t help to worry, but move on, find the solution, ask for help, there will be not just one option to resolve it, but a few different ways to it. If one person did it, you can do it to. You can change your thinking and your thinking will change your life.

Seabrook Island, SC
A beautiful morning walk on the beach in Seabrook Island, South Carolina (2010)

Cell: the miracle of life; from DNA to PROTEIN

“You can hope for the miracle in your life or you can realize that your life is a miracle.”

                    (Robert Breault)

Our bodies are protein-producing machines! How we live, how we think, how we make decisions, love, learn, socialize, all of those actions start with single cell, no matter who or what is the end product. The word protein comes from the Greek word “protas”, meaning ‘of primary importance.’ And what are the proteins? How are they made? What is their main job?

At the beginning of every living organism, there is a cell. Cells are the basis of all life, from billions of different bacteria, to uncountable varieties of plants and animals. But, what drives cells, how do they function? And what is a cell?

It is only from the cells that we can understand what life and death are. Many centuries ago, life and death were explained simply, in religious terms and passed down from generation to generation, through myths and legends. When the Greeks came, they couldn’t really explain the cell and life and death from the scientific point of view, but they tried to understand life, especially when something went wrong. They tried to use logic. Chinese, for example, had excellent technology, but not based on science. But, Greeks, such as Aristotle, Euclid and Archimedes, made great progress with logic, mathematics and physics. Hippocrates, who lived around 400 BC, was the first to reject the mythical explanations of the cause of illness and discomfort.

When Romans perfected the production of glass (which by the way  traces back to 3500 BC in Mesopotamia), the microscope was born. But only in the middle of the XVII century one scientist, Robert Hooke, was the first person to see the cell. Hooke was an Oxford scholar and became a member of the Royal Society of London in 1663 and later its president. Hooke believed that the entire universe was the product of Divine intelligence and that God could not make mistakes in His grand design, so it must be down to the man’s role. He strived to bind the whole nature together in a ” Grand Unified Theory,” so he designed his own microscope, sliced a piece of cork and noticed cell walls and empty spaces between them. He used the Latin word ‘cella’ (small room) because it reminded him of a monk’s room. Alas, he didn’t understand what they were or what their function would be, but he wrote “Micrographia”, presenting the first ever drawings of the cell.

It was Anton Van Leeuwenhoek, a Dutch self-taught inventor, who became the true father of microscopy and the first ever picture of bacterium was presented in his book in 1683. Leeuwenhoek also took his own blood and observed the small round object, as he called it-globulus.

After that, numerous scientists explored the fascinating field of cells, trying to explain ‘life.’ Once the first cells were grown in a dish in a laboratory, at the beginning of the XX century, science started to discover more and more about the cells and living organisms. In the 40s, the DNA believed to be hereditary, in the 50s mitochondria, the ‘power house’ that gives energy to cells was discovered and in the 60s, James Watson, PhD and Francis Crick, PhD. discovered the double helix of DNA.

Cells are miraculous and  amazing. Each cell, no matter what type of cell they are, has three important parts: cell membrane, which separates the inside of the nucleus from its environment; cytoplasm: a jelly-like fluid and DNA, the cell’s genetic material. So the nucleus has a genome, a genome consists of 23 pairs of choromosomes and each chromosome contains a DNA, which is made of genes which carry instructions for making proteins. When the gene is switched on, the most amazing production begins. If we could watch it under the microscope, we could see thousands and thousands of alien like creatures moving in perfect order, building, adding, zipping up and taking away what is not necessary. The most amazing thing is that the science, no matter how much it understands the technical side of the “protein production”, is still not clear how is this order so precisely conducted. The gene, which contains the instructions for making proteins,  is switched on, the enzyme called RNA polymerase gets attached to it and moves along the DNA string, splitting it up, making a copy of it from the free floating base that gets attached to the string (process called TRANSCRIPTION) and  since the DNA  is too big to leave the nucleus, the  RNA single  strand (now the messenger RNA) can move out of the nucleus into a cytoplasm, where there are the RIBOSOMES, protein factories, basically work benches, that now  bind together and the ribosome reads the code in the messenger (process called TRANSLATION), AMINO ACIDS are added to it and once the last one is added, the chain folds into a complex 3D shape to form THE PROTEIN.

Sounds pretty straight forward, doesn’t it?! Genes work together in systemic cooperation with one another so that many are turned on or turned off at the same time within the cell. And it’s the combination of the genes that are turned on at any one time that produces all the different proteins we depend on for life.   But, how is this process programmed? Who programmed it? And the miracle doesn’t stop here, it only begins: the proteins created, now the cell is ready to divide and there : life begins. Sometimes it stays a single cell, like bacterium, or divides into billions and billions cells and we get a plant, an animal, a human being. Again, a miracle.

Science has moved on really far from the ancient times when the world and life in it were explained by religious terms. We live in wonderous times, when new discoveries are made and presented  every day. We understand how the physical bodies are created, though the mystery  is still here in genes and their knowledge of how to make it all happen.

But, we are not just physical beings. We are all made out of the same building material, but what makes us unique is the more subtle and refined fabric that has been woven from our nature and nurture. We have minds and feelings and consciousness, all of which makes us who we are. WE have physical intelligence, the body, we have mental intelligence, the mind, we have emotional intelligence, the heart. Our thoughts send signals to our heart and our body and the more intuned they are, the more coherence between all of them, the more balanced and contented we are. And vice versa, the heart sends signals to the brain which can influence our perception of reality, our emotional experience and our higher mental processes. We are the complex combination of thoughts, feelings and actions and the more we learn about ourselves, the easier we will  connect with the outside world. remember, we are fundamentally programmed to be social beings and to know others, we need to know ourselves first. Know yourself to know others, time and again we get reminded of a simple philosophy. The better relationship we create with ourselves, the easier our relationships with the outside world will be. And that itself is mostly important in the process of gene activation, for our environment greatly influences the way our genes are switched on or switched off. Charles Darwin did not know much about cells and what makes them, but he had a great insight into the way we develop and adapt to the given environment. That is such good news, since we now know that genes are not set in stone and by understanding more about life and what makes it work, we can modify and improve our existance and well being. When the genetic code is copied (transcribed), a ‘modifier’ can be added to it to change the ‘code.’. Really good news!!! So by changing our lifestyle we can change ourselves.  The really important thing is to understand that we have the beginning as physical beings, but many other factors come into the creation of one unique person. It’s like starting to read and write: we all have to learn the individual letters of the alphabet, but then we can combine those letters to make words and write  essays and read different books that will make us who we are. The more we learn, the more we read, the better the understanding of the world within us and outside of us.

“Open your eyes, mind and heart to the astonishing miracles of life, to the beauty surrounding you, to the uniqueness of your being, to the wonders you achieve. ” (Robert Muller)


Walpert, L. (2009),How We Live and Why We Die, The Secret Lives of Cells;”